• Indefinite integral problems

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:32:15
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* I need help finding the anti-derivatives (indefinite integrals) of the 2 functions below: 1) e^(sqrt(x)) 2) Sqrt(2x - x^2)...

  • Please, help me understand how these interval problems are solved

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:28:23
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* simplify: 1. (-∞, -2) ∩ [-2, ∞) 2. (-∞, 5] ∩ [5, ∞) 3. (-∞, 5) U (4, ∞)

  • Symmetric looking equations needing a symmetric solution

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:27:31
    Hi all, I have a set of equations that look very nice and symmetric, but the only way I'm able to find solutions to them is with pages and pages of algebra! Can any members with more of a...

  • where can we apply mesh and nodal analyses?

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:06:16
    Hello,:smile: Actually I'm just curious to know when and where we can apply mesh and nodal analyses. Perhaps, you can help me to understand this with some simple circuit diagrams. Thanks *1:*...

  • Spring - Damper - Mass System (in series)

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:04:08
    Spring - Damper - Mass System in series fixed-----Spring-----Damper-----Mass-----F c d m -- -- ...

  • industrial grade positron formation

    Updated: 2011-06-30 17:01:24
    Is there any way to economically produce positrons using particle accelerators or any other method?

  • Pressure Problem!!

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:53:11
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* Oxygen at pressures much greater than 1 atm is toxic to lung cells. By weight, what ratio of helium gas (He) to oxygen gas (O2 ) must...

  • What was there before Big Bang?

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:45:19
    What was there before Big Bang? Cosmologists suggested that there was quantum vacuum, but what was there before quantum vacuum? From where did quantum vacuum came? And why was there a quantum vacuum...

  • force calculation help

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:44:02
    Hi all, I am building a spit to roast a pig. Instead of just getting a motor recommended to be powerful enough I would like to understand the math required to spec it out. I have no experience...

  • Muesli

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:34:28
    Can one live of muesli alone, i find that muesli is all i need for food, but may be i need some thing else.

  • Line integral of sin cos function

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:30:04
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* integral (sin^4(x) + cos^4(x))^.5 dx *2. Relevant equations* sin^2(x) = (1 - cos^2(x)) *3. The attempt at a solution*

  • Can you take certificates in two different fields ?

    Updated: 2011-06-30 16:29:07
    i want a clear answer about whether i could study for example mechanical engineer and take a bachelor with it, so i have the opportunity to work as a mechanical engineer, but i also wish to study...

  • New Tevatron collider result may help explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe

    Updated: 2011-06-30 15:27:00
    About a year ago, the DZero collaboration at Fermilab published  a tantalizing result in which the universe unexpectedly showed a preference for matter over antimatter. Now the collaboration has more data, and the evidence for this effect has grown stronger. The result is extremely exciting: The question of why our universe should exist solely of [...]

  • Postdoctoral Positions in Gravitational Wave Physics at IISER-TVM

    Updated: 2011-06-30 10:41:36
    Institution: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram, India (IISER-TVM) Deadline: 31 July 2011 Salary: Rs. 2,64,000 – Rs. 2,88,000 per annum IISER-TVM seeks applicants for two Post-doctoral positions in the area of Gravitational Wave Physics. Both these positions are funded under the Max Planck Partner Group on Gravitational Wave Physics of Albert Einstein Institute (AEI). The [...]

  • Xth International Conference on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology

    Updated: 2011-06-28 12:54:56
    ICGAC10 is part of a series of biennial conferences on Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology with the goal to favour cooperations among the member countries within an international context, to promote high level studies on hot topics and to encourage young physicists on these fields. The first meeting was initiated by Prof. Yong Min Cho, one [...]

  • Strings 2011

    Updated: 2011-06-28 01:16:20
    Strings 2011 started today in Uppsala, with attendance quite a bit lower than in the past (259 registered participants, versus 500 or so at some of the past such conferences). One reason for this may be the high conference cost … Continue reading →

  • Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics

    Updated: 2011-06-24 08:12:01
    We are pleased to announce a three-day workshop on “Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics”, a workshop to be held on 5-7 October 2011 at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. http://wwwsfb.tpi.uni-jena.de/Events/Event-PHSP11.shtml This workshop will focus on - Solving partial differential equations efficiently on the heterogeneous computing systems. There is some emphasis on GPU computing, but other accelerators and [...]

  • The Wonderful Story of Fermilab's Bump

    Updated: 2011-06-23 09:01:58
    Earlier this month, we got a strange case of science working exactly like it's supposed to. There was some flurry of activity about a bump in the data at Fermilab's CDF apparatus, part of their Tevatron collider. If this data could have been confirmed, it would have potentially signalled a whole new type of particle, which may have required revisions to the Standard Model to get everything to work out consistently....Read Full Post

  • Parma Workshop on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves 2011

    Updated: 2011-06-22 15:13:03
    We are pleased to announce that a three-day workshop on Numerical Relativity and Gravitational Waves will be held at the “Centro S. Elisabetta” of the University of Parma, organized by the local numerical relativity group and with the support of INFN and the University of Parma. The workshop is mainly aimed at bringing together European scientists [...]

  • Tribute to Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, Nobel medical physicist

    Updated: 2011-06-21 19:05:51
    Dr. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, who passed away last month on May 30, was a mother, wife, educator, and dedicated medical physicist. She received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1977 while working for the Veterans Administration Hospital in New York for her contributions to the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones. Today scientists utilize this technology to further diagnostics in the medical field for cancer research and Type II diabetes.

  • Summer Movie Science

    Updated: 2011-06-20 00:48:36
    I'm always a fan of unraveling the science behind popular culture. Even in the case of some of the more outlandish summer blockbusters, there's often a glimmer of scientific understanding that can be gleaned....Read Full Post

  • LHC experiments reach record data milestone

    Updated: 2011-06-17 15:09:59
    As of this week, the Large Hadron Collider has delivered 1 inverse femtobarn of integrated luminosity to ATLAS and CMS, two of the four experimental stations housed along the ring. This means the detectors will have gathered data from about 70 trillion proton-proton collisions. For comparison, the experiments collected just 45 inverse picobarns in all of 2010; 1 inverse femtobarn is equal to one thousand inverse picobarns.

  • Presentations of Meudon Workshop “Warm Dark Matter in the Galaxies” 2011

    Updated: 2011-06-16 09:00:58
    Ecole Internationale d’Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge Meudon Workshop 2011 “Warm Dark Matter in the Galaxies: Theoretical and Observational Progresses”, 8-10 June 2011 We are pleased to inform you that the presentations by the lecturers during the Chalonge Meudon Warm Dark Matter Workshop 2011 are available online (in pdf format) on the web site of this workshop: http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Cias_Meudon2011.html http://www.chalonge.obspm.fr/Programme_CIAS2011.html Contents: Astrophysical, [...]

  • This Week’s Hype

    Updated: 2011-06-16 01:36:39
    Last month’s Quark Matter 2011 conference was a venue for discussion of new results from the first heavy-ion run at LHC energies last fall. I’ve looked a bit at the slides of the talks, but this is an area far … Continue reading →

  • String theory may hold answers about quark-gluon plasma

    Updated: 2011-06-15 20:36:35
    Recreating the conditions present just after the Big Bang has given experimentalists a glimpse into how the universe formed. Now, scientists have begun to see striking similarities between the properties of the early universe and a theory that aims to unite gravity with quantum mechanics, a long-standing goal for physicists.

  • Japan’s T2K experiment observes candidates for electron neutrino appearance

    Updated: 2011-06-15 16:04:15
    The T2K experiment in Japan has observed six particle events that indicate the oscillation of muon neutrinos into electron neutrinos, a long-sought signal that allows scientists to better understand a phenomenon known as neutrino oscillations. For a long time scientists have suspected that the three known types of neutrinos can morph into each other. Several [...]

  • $6.5 Million for Entropic Gravity

    Updated: 2011-06-13 03:07:40
    One of this year’s Spinoza Prizes goes to Erik Verlinde. It comes with 2.5 million euros to fund the prize-winner’s research. Last fall Verlinde received a 2 million euro ERC Advanced Grant to fund his research program, so that’s a … Continue reading →

  • Green Lantern Helps Us Explore the Universe

    Updated: 2011-06-13 01:08:26
    Home Education Physics Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Green Lantern Helps Us Explore the Universe By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide June 13, 2011 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS It would be hard to miss all of the marketing related to the upcoming Green Lantern film , based on the DC comics series , but one unique viral marketing campaign may have escaped your attention . It turns out that a blog maintained by one Dr . Waller familiar to DC fans provides an opportunity for readers to participate in a confidential project to review astronomical photos , identifying potential anomalies that might be related to extraterrestrial . activity A Hubble telescope image of the Crab Nebula : Source NASA ESA ASU J

  • Math and Physics, Summer 2011

    Updated: 2011-06-10 00:51:45
    This week in Philadelphia the String-Math 2011 conference is going on, planned as the first of a series, with String-Math 2012 next summer in Bonn. Slides of the talks are appearing here. There’s also supposed to be video, but the … Continue reading →

  • The Quantum Story

    Updated: 2011-06-09 00:04:53
    Jim Baggott’s The Quantum Story: A History in 40 Moments is now out here and I’ve been starting to see it in bookstores. I read most of it a year or two ago when he sent me a draft of … Continue reading →

  • El Escorial Summer School 2011 “Quantum Information meets Statistical Mechanics”

    Updated: 2011-06-08 11:03:24
    From 11th to 15th of July 2011, the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain), will host a Summer School on “Quantum Information meets Statistical Mechanics” (QI&SM 2011), with the aim of exploring interfaces and emerging connections between these and related fields. For more information, please visit our website: http://www.ucm.es/info/giccucm/Escorial2011/ The Summer School will take place at El Escorial, [...]

  • IOP Gravitational Physics Group half-day meeting: Do we understand gravity?

    Updated: 2011-06-06 13:23:53
    Friday, 16 September 2011, 2:00pm – 5:45pm Phillips Room, Institute of Physics, 76 Portland Place, London W1B 1NT, UK Keynote speaker: Mihalis Dafermos, University of Cambridge This half-day meeting will focus on the mathematical aspects of relativity, and PhD students and postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to present their work. IOP Gravitational Physics Group members and other [...]

  • Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics

    Updated: 2011-06-02 21:29:24
    31 August – 3 September, 2011 Madeira Island (Portugal) The aim of this workshop is to bring together world experts in two extremely active and successful, but up to now essentially disjoint, research fields: numerical relativity and high energy physics. It has become clear that numerical relativity techniques, applied to black hole systems, could answer central questions [...]

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